Greetings in the name of our LORD, SAVIOR, and KING JESUS CHRIST!
I want to thank you again for your graciousness and generosity in considering me to be prayed for and supported by your ministry. It is a huge blessing for me here in the mission field.
Praise be to God for His faithfulness. Last January 26, 2024, Temple Bible Baptist Mission Infanta Pangasinan celebrated its 5th Mission Anniversary. The Lord reminded us to be faithful to the Lord in all circumstances. Our theme was "WHAT SHALL I RENDER UNTO THE LORD?" from Psalm 116:12. Many pastors and friends from other churches graced the event. There was a feasting of the Word of God, sweet fellowship, lots of fun, and delicious food. Indeed, it was an unforgettable experience.
Truly, God has showcased His presence, provision, protection, and prosperity. Jehovah Jireh. The Lord provided everything we needed. I am convinced of the saying, "Where God guides, He provides." Amen and amen. Please always include us in your prayers. God bless you, your family and ministry more.
Aldrick Pasia